EBNER | Employee interview | Ronald Derflinger

Get to know Ronald Derflinger ...


Ronald Derflinger
Vice President Installation

With EBNER Industrieofenbau since September 1989.

After completing an electromechanical apprenticeship at EBNER, I was able to prove myself as an installation manager at many different construction sites and was selected as the “leading head” on site for one of our largest projects in China at Zhongwang. This enabled me to make the leap to Vice President Installation, which I have held for 5 years.

Ronald Derflinger

Describe your job in a single sentence:

My responsibility is to ensure that our globally established industrial plants reflect the guiding principle of “Driving Green Technologies” as a global market leader.

When you are on your way to work in the morning, what are you looking forward to?

Together with my colleagues and employees, to use our enthusiasm for the success of EBNER.

What was the most interesting experience you have had at EBNER?

From my point of view, there are only interesting work experiences at EBNER, because the various trips to the different continents not only brought me closer to the cultures, but also allowed me to learn several languages.

Everyone needs inspiration and motivation to get through the daily grind. What keeps you going?

That I am seen as a role model for all my colleagues within the department, but also for many colleagues outside the department, and that I can confirm this view through my support.

What vision do you have for EBNER's future? From your point of view, what are the greatest challenges the company will have to face over the next few years?

EBNER has grown up as a family business and has developed into a group with many different subsidiaries. In order to maintain this sense of success, we must succeed in transferring the strength and cohesion within the parent company to the entire Group.

Do you have any special hobbies or interests?

My hobby is our dog, a dwarf spitz that we took with us from a business trip from China to Austria.

What advice would you give someone who wanted to apply for a job at EBNER?

As everywhere in life, there are ups and downs, but we can only look up together.