Steel | Aluminum | Copper base metal
Steel | Aluminum | Copper base metal
EBNER | Products | Bell Annealer HICONSABER
Heat treatment furnace facilities for the steel, aluminum and copper base metals industry
HICONSABER fully automatic bell annealer facility with HICON/H2 technology.
SABER – Safe fast Automatic floor based Bell annealer charging and lifting Equipment Robot.
Use of the SABER fully automatic handling system significantly increases the throughput capacity, workplace safety and process reliability at an EBNER bell annealer facility, even as it reduces maintenance and personnel costs. The facility requires no overhead crane, and can be installed in lightly-built shop structures. The new bell annealer design is economical to operate, even with small batch sizes and low throughputs. Its modular design allows it to be easily expanded by adding additional workbases.

New facilities may be installed in existing workshops with low overall heights.

Precise handling and exact positioning of bells, covers and charges without an overhead crane.

HICONSABER – the advantages of a fully automatic bell annealer facility with an integrated charging system.
No overhead crane require
- Allows increased stacking heights
- May be installed in shop structures with small
foundation footings
Increased workplace safety
due to protected area for automatic operation
Reduced personnel costs
for facility operation, may reach up to 50 %
- Automatic positioning of heating bells, cooling
bells and inner covers - Charges are automatically placed on the work-
base and decharged - Processing may take place without an operator
(night and weekend shifts)
Precise handling and exact positioning of bells, covers and charges
in comparison to overhead cranes
- Increased service life of facility components
- Reduced maintenance work
- High degree of process safety
- Reduced maintenance costs
New facilities may be installed in existing workshop structures
with low heights, as with the automatic charging system heating and cooling bells may be lifted all the way up to the shop roof for transport.
Integration of upstream and downstream processing steps
into the fully automatic operation of the facility (e.g. strip coils from the rolling mill or wire coils from the drawing mill)
Up to a 15 % increase in facility throughput
- Up to a 50 % reduction in workbase downtimes
- Increased clear inside heights at each workbase in
comparison to facilities with an overhead crane - Increased facility running time and reduced downtime
Heat treatment of steel, copper base metal or aluminum, with the following types of semi-finished products:
- Wire coils in single or multiple stacks
- Strip coils in single stacks
- Tube coils in single stacks (for copper tube coils,
facilities may be equipped with fully automatic tube purging systems to achieve the best possible interior surface finishes)

Circular layout

Circular layout
Linear layout

Linear layout
EBNER HICON/H2 technology.
Thanks to high convection and a 100 % hydrogen atmosphere, semi-finished products annealed in an EBNER HICON/H2 bell annealer have the best possible mechanical properties, uniform microstructures and the cleanest possible surfaces.
17 % reduction in annealing costs per ton
through the use of hydrogen as a process atmosphere
40 % hydrogen savings
through process atmosphere recycling
25 % energy savings
mit einer EBNER Wärmetauschhaube
26 % Energieeinsparung
through the use of hydrogen as a process atmosphere
6,5 % reduction in fuel gas consumption
due to the low density of hydrogen and shorter heating times