EBNER | Employee interview | Anna Koch
Get to know Anna Koch …
Anna Koch
Sales Assistant
With EBNER Industrieofenbau since September, 2016.
Career in the company:
- 3-year internship, served in a variety of departments (Accounting, Sales, IT)
- 1 year as External Engineering Coordinator in the Non-Ebner Engineering Department
- Sales Assistant

Describe your job in a single sentence
I support the sales and product managers in all areas of their jobs.
When you are on your way to work in the morning, what are you looking forward to?
More than anything else, I look forward to seeing my cheerful colleagues and starting my challenging day with them.
What was the most interesting experience you have had at EBNER?
Es gibt zwei Erlebnisse, die für mich bei EBNER besonders interessant waren. Ich durfte als Bürokauffrau eine moderne Anlage besichtigen und hatte dadurch einen guten Einblick, was außerhalb vom Büro passiert und was EBNER eigentlich herstellt. Das zweite Erlebnis war die 70 Jahre Feier, da ich da auch die Kollegen der anderen Unternehmen in der EBNER GRUPPE persönlich kennenlernen konnte.
I have had two experiences at EBNER that I found to be particularly interesting. The first was when I, as an office clerk, was able to visit a state-of-the-art facility. It gave me a good deal of insight into what takes place outside the office and what EBNER actually manufactures. The second experience was EBNER‘s 70th anniversary celebration, as I was able to meet colleagues from other companies of the EBNER Group in person.
Everyone needs inspiration and motivation to get through the daily grind. What keeps you going?
Knowing that my efforts make my colleagues’ tasks and daily routines much easier, and that I constantly have opportunities to show my skills.
What expectations did you have of EBNER as an employer, and were they fulfilled?
I began as an intern at EBNER with the expectation that I would be able to complete an excellent training program in a large, internationally-active company, and that I could later continue my training as a member of a chosen department. Shortly after completing my internship I was offered a position in Sales, my preferred department, and I have been continuously learning ever since.
Do you have any special hobbies or interests?
I really enjoy traveling. In general I am very active and do a wide variety of things.
What advice would you give someone who wanted to apply for a job at EBNER?
Get to know the company, be innovative and contribute your own ideas.